The Eduen Profile...

An Introduction
Eduen, Inc., was incorporated in Oregon during 2002. In the subsequent period, the current management team was formed, The Eduen Federation concept and business model has been developed and refined, the search for complementary products/services and equity partners was conducted, the Eduen business plan was finalized, and the quest for funding has been initiated.

At the core of the Eduen mission is experiential education and outreach regarding the critical relationship between the environment, food, water, and human health. Figuratively speaking, even the Eduen name (pronounced “eed-you-en”) was derived from the founders’ vision to put you – “u” – in the middle of Eden, the world’s ultimate garden.

The Eduen business model is different from most others, reflecting the magnitude and importance of the company’s humanitarian mission. Eduen, Inc., is a for-profit development and management company that has been formed to lead The Eduen Federation, an alliance of organizations that are united by a common humanitarian purpose and shared business objectives. As the central, umbrella entity of The Eduen Federation, Eduen, Inc., has overarching responsibilities to other participating organizations, including coordination, collective marketing, and licensing. At its discretion, the company will also have the duty to control the addition of new member organizations and new products/services to The Federation.

In summary, Eduen, Inc., and The Eduen Federation have been formed to accomplish a corporate vision of ambitious, global proportions: To provide the world’s populations with an abundance of highly nutritious foods, pristine water, low-cost healthcare alternatives, and other “green living” innovations including new, affordable energy solutions.

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